3 dic 2020

PEARL OF THE MOON: Fairy tales and fantastic adventures (English Book 2) Kindle Edition


Fairy tales and fantastic adventures
Tales by Rossi Arduino
There are eight positive fairy tales such as beautiful, unreal, imaginative dreams, narrated to find not only the child within the adult, but also to restore a joyful vision to life.
The stories, perhaps a little naive, have no educational purposes, I don't pretend to teach anyone something.
Instead I try to understand and ask questions hidden in the stories to everyone: the eyes see, read and the mouths that speak want to see and seek explanations, at least I hope for you.
I hope that the pleasure I felt in writing these stories can be experienced by you, that you will read them and help you open your mind.

IRISH ADVENTURE: Magical deceptions in fairy tale Ireland, between gnomes and elves. (English Book 3) Kindle Edition


Presentation of the author
It is a fairy tale for children and not.
It is a story told in an imaginary Ireland, among goblins and gnomes, magic and brave young people, but not too much.
It is a small and light story to be read, disseminated to those who love fairy tales, with the simple and naive flavor of a somewhat forgotten popular world.
It's just to read and get carried away.

THE BREED IS ONE: Different stories, in the real world, human and suffered events. (English Book 15) Kindle Edition


Tales of Rossi Arduino 
On the cover painted in acrylic on canvas by Arduino Rossi
Various stories for topics and situations, with real and current emotions
Tales by Rossi Arduino
Translated from Italian with google translator
Presentation of the author 
Stories placed in cultural situations and in different eras.
It is about pain, lies, illusions, arrogance, cheerfulness, fears, etc.  In short, we try to discover the thousand facets of the human soul, with all its contradictions.
There is no logic that unites these stories, or rather, there is but it is not so apparent: they are events that speak of violence, injustice and pain.
Above all there is the human dimension and the effort to live.

  2) Revolution
  3) The Iraqi student
  4) Short story 
  5) The horde
  6) A matter of the heart
  7) Harvest
  8) The journalist 
  9) Agronomists
10) The doctor
11) Luck
12) The soldier of fortune
13) The washerwoman
15) The fool
16) The genius
17) The escape

THE CLEARING OF THE DEAD: The house of the dead Paperback – February 4, 2020


A family decides to move to the countryside, in a quiet place: the father buys a house on the edge of a vast forest.They are four: father, mother, son and daughter, they are the classic quiet family.The father made money in unclear business and now he wants to enjoy his luck, the mother is a beautiful woman with many ambitions, hates the isolated house and dreams of the beautiful world of the city.The children are two rascals, loose and fear nothing.The era of the novel is imprecise, perhaps it takes place in the mid-nineteenth century, but the period does not matter: everything is left in the vague specifically, to make everything inaccurate and imaginative.There is no historical or geographical connotation: there is a war between two Kingdoms, but whites and blues are simply called.The house in the woods, but called "the house of the dead" by the people of the nearby village, is much talked about: unusual stories are told.There had been a family massacre in that villa, or so it was suspected.Just the ghostly characters, the spirits (a family of four) will take possession little by little of the lives and minds of the new guests: they will introduce themselves and infest the house, the existences of the host family. Rossi Arduino was born on 9 June 1956 and has a past as both a writer and columnist for a Web newspaper, as well as a magazine contributor.Today he is a free blogger: his Blog, News News, has a remarkable diffusion, with more than 8 million page views, Google counter data.

The night and the dark: The silence of some nights is not always silent. (English Book 13) Kindle Edition


Collection of short stories of ARDUINO ROSSI
On the cover acrylic on canvas by Arduino Rossi

They are tales that are classified as horror, that is, inspired by nightmares and irrational human fears, the first being that of death and its beyond, the Underworld.
The inner fear takes shape and form, the anxieties they face the irrational, the past joins the present and we ò that rationality à I say even the banality à empty size of our day, vanish.
Absolute and absolutist certainties disappear in the darkness, in our unanswered questions, in our inner fears.
No pi ù sufficient rationality à and objective explanations, common sense is not enough pi ù , but the fear of the unknown strikes again.

The murder
The lake
The cross-country race
The fate
The messenger
The blue plague
In the fog
The Legacy à
The last wind
The crime
The purgative city
The artist
The night and the dark
The day of memories
The valley cemetery
The lost child
The cheater

The music: Reason gets confused in the face of death. (English Book 12) Kindle Edition


Presentation of the author
Marco or if you prefer Professor Marco is a modern man who believes only in the objective truths of science.
His crazy experiences upset him and make him discover that there is a parallel universe, not always measurable with mathematical theories, or that can be enclosed within an arithmetic formula.
Not everything is understandable, not everything is demonstrable, but much escapes human reason.
Are Marco's ghosts only in his mind?
This is not clear, because not everything is scientifically explainable, indeed almost nothing is.

THE WIND OF THE EVENING: Dreams and utopias died. (English Book 10) Kindle Edition


The night and its dreams, its sad, spooky breath
Tales by Rossi Arduino
Translated from Italian with the google translator 
Tales and tales that speak of many situations, always within non-real spaces and realities, where everything can happen to miserable mortals, where the impossible is possible, where death and life have no boundaries.
Through the daydream these "parallel universes" of death and life: they meet and get married.
Memories and remorse rise to the surface and what is dead comes back to life, while others alive have already passed away without knowing it.

Die Musik: Die Vernunft wird angesichts des Todes verwirrt. (Deutsche 4) Kindle Ausgabe von Arduino Rossi (Autor) Format: Kindle Ausgabe


Roman von Rossi Arduino
Titelbild von Arduino Rossi
Präsentation des Autors
Die Wissenschaft kollidiert mit dem Absurden und den Geheimnissen der Existenz.
Markieren oder wenn Sie lieber Professor Marco ist ein moderner Mann, der nur in der Wahrheit glaubt à objektive Wissenschaft.
Seine verrückten Erfahrungen schockieren ihn und lassen ihn entdecken, dass es ein Paralleluniversum gibt, das mit mathematischen Theorien nicht immer messbar ist oder das in eine arithmetische Formel eingeschlossen werden kann.
Nicht alles ist verständlich, nicht alles ist nachweisbar, aber vieles entgeht der menschlichen Vernunft.
Sind Marcos Geister nur in seinem Kopf?
Dies nicht ist unklar, denn es ist nicht alles ist wissenschaftlich erklärbar, in der Tat fast alles , was es ist .

Dem Autor folgen Arduino Rossi ✓ Folgend Der Kapitän des Teufels: Die Toten ruhen sich nicht immer aus. (Deutsche 2) Kindle Ausgabe von Arduino Rossi (Autor) Format: Kindle Ausgabe


Roman von Rossi Arduino
Auf dem Cover Zeichnung auf Acrylpapier von Arduino Rossi

Präsentation des Autors
Die Vernunft kämpft gegen die Albträume und Geister der Vergangenheit.
In einer Zeit, die nach dem Fall Napoleons liegen sollte, aber ich habe es nicht spezifiziert, endet ein Kapitän in Ereignissen, die ihn zu Ereignissen führen, die ihn in Schwierigkeiten bringen werden.
Sar à verwickelt in Familienangelegenheiten, Adlige, Sicas, Wildheit und List auch nach dem Tod.
Die Geister, die vielleicht nur im Kopf des Kapitäns sind, drängen ihn, die erloschene Linie wieder aufzubauen, Besitzer des renovierten Schlosses, in dem der pensionierte kaiserliche Offizier lebt.
Die Vergangenheit mit ihren Qualen und seinen Verbrechen riemerger à seinen Willen aufzuzwingen eine Hölle auf der Natur eines vernünftigen Mannes, er suchte nur Ruhe à , nach einem Leben damit verbracht , auf Krieg und militärischen Ruhm.
Der Fab - Kapitän glaubt an dem Wert, in dem Mut und die Wirkung auf den Verdienst, hasst Lügen, Intrigen, aber es endet das Opfer und kommt à von Sicas verschlungen, sollte er hassen , weil es ist edel.

Das Ende des Sommers: Träume und Utopien starben. (Deutsche 3) Kindle Ausgabe von Arduino Rossi (Autor) Format: Kindle Ausgabe


Auf dem Cover von Rossi Arduino gemalt

Präsentation des Autors 
Die siebziger Jahre und die vielen Verbrechen … . In dieser Zeit begangene Demokraten werden informell behandelt, tatsächlich am Rande von ... ..legalit à .
Sind Ideale im letzten Jahrhundert gestorben?
Vielleicht jedoch machte der Konflikt zwischen dem Wunsch nach Revolution, nach Veränderung und einer zynischen und grausamen Welt seine Opfer.
Wir befinden uns in den siebziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts zwischen Ideologien und politischen Idealen, dem Wunsch, für Gerechtigkeit, Verwirrung, Opportunismus, grimmige soziale Unterdrückung zu kämpfen, grausam und von der Terrorismusbekämpfung schwer verborgen.
Michele befindet sich inmitten dieser sozialen und kulturellen Stürme und ist ein Opfer davon. Er ist sauber und verkauft sich niemals an triumphale Heuchelei.