3 dic 2020

Como um sonho: Visões poéticas (Portoghese Livro 29) eBook Kindle por Arduino Rossi (Autor) Formato: eBook Kindle


33 Poemas - ano 1988 - (escrito de março de 1988 a julho de 1988).
Poemas de ROSSI ARDUINO             
Traduzido do italiano com o tradutor do Google
Imagem abstrata da capa pintada por Arduino Rossi - acrílico sobre tela 

Breve introdução do autor 
Meu trabalho "Como um sonho" é a transformação em versos de situações emocionais não só pessoais, mas, na minha intenção, também da realidade do sonho coletivo: é uma visão do sonho não limitada à dimensão popular da cabala ou à análise psicológica.
A alma se eleva acima dos estreitos espaços do mundo diurno e escala obstáculos, estilhaça ou muda de pele: encontra esperanças antigas e dores recentes que foram removidas. Ele se expande, encolhe, descobre cores desconhecidas, espíritos não nascidos e música ancestral.

O vôo de icaro: O sonho impossível dos seres humanos. (Portoghese Livro 28) eBook Kindle por Arduino Rossi (Autor) Formato: eBook Kindle


Silloge de 35 poemas escritos entre 9 de agosto de 1988 e 3 de agosto de 1989. 
Poemas de ROSSI ARDUINO                         
Traduzido do italiano com o tradutor do Google
 Na capa pintada em acrílico sobre tela por Arduino Rossi.
Apresentação do poeta
O ano de transição foi aquele entre 1988 e 1989, um ano de memórias e de pesquisas metafísicas interiores.
Arrependimentos, remorsos, rancores encontrados, casados, divididos entre momentos pseudo-proféticos, à espera de uma religiosidade "primitiva", autêntica, humana, revelada na alma mais profunda, como num sonho.
A pesquisa conduziu por um caminho cansativo, que me fez retornar aos valores estáveis ​​e justos da minha adolescência: a religião nesse período, em 1988, era confusa, infantil, longe do caminho correto, cheia de ressentimentos e idealismos fáceis e impossíveis.

Verdade: A busca pelo sentido da vida. (Portoghese Livro 27) (Portuguese Edition) Formato Kindle di Arduino Rossi (Autore) Formato: Formato Kindle


Poemas de Rossi Arduino
Na capa pintada em acrílico sobre tela por Arduino Rossi. 

Apresentação do autor 
Os meados dos anos noventa foram particularmente pacíficos, um pouco cansativos, mas com um pouco de paz e esperança: por isso os meus poemas dessa época são menos atormentados.
Estão sempre cheios de imagens e cheios de ansiedade, com medo, mas mais felizes, com um pouco de esperança.
Minha pesquisa nunca teve trégua e mesmo assim continuei rumo a um novo objetivo, com meu anseio pela verdade.

PRIMA DEL GIORNO: Silloge di 35 liriche dal 5/8/1989 al 31/12/1989. (Poesie Vol. 1) Formato Kindle di ARDUINO ROSSI (Autore) Formato: Formato Kindle


Sono versi scritti come "prove", come ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio, poetico, sperimentale, lavori quindi di genere e di gusto per "palati" capaci di comprendere, di assaporare una poetica insolita, piccante, amara, anche molto salata, poco o per nulla armonica.
Comunque non mancano versi versione libera e non in rima, e intere ma che poesie quasi richiamano tradizionali, sempre in a immagini, a metafore "classiche".
Lo scopo della mia poesia sta nella lotta contro l'assurdo di un mondo relativista, sempre più sterile, sempre più lontano dalla dimensione umana: continuo a combattere per lo spirito che vola oltre ogni cosa, per il divenire di tutto nel tempo sino all'eternità.
Rossi Arduino è nato il 9 giugno del 1956 e ha un passato sia di scrittore che di opinionista presso un quotidiano Web, oltre che collaboratore di riviste.
Oggi è un libero blogger: il suo Blog, Notizie News, ha una notevole diffusione, con più di 8 milioni di pagine viste, dati del contatore Google.

The end of summer: Dreams and utopias died. (English Book 11) Kindle Edition by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition


the end of summer takes us back to the seventies of the twentieth century, in Italy, when dreams of change collided with a corrected and even violent world.
The novel is partially biographical, but seen in a general way, that is, it tells of an existence that was perhaps common in those difficult years for many.
We have political violence and terrorism, the beginning of the proliferation of narcotic substances, desires for justice and personal clashes, with the marginalization of the loser, or of the honest dreamers and utopians also humanly and culturally.
Certainly the vision of the facts and events is far from the official one, still in vogue among journalists and various friends ... of the established power: this paper would like to propose those years in a different way from the official chronicles of those years.
Michele will be a loser ... but only for the world, while in reality his honesty rewards him: it doesn't matter how long one lives, but how he lives.

Rossi Arduino was born on 9 June 1956 and has a past as both a writer and columnist for a Web newspaper, as well as a magazine contributor.
Today he is a free blogger: his Blog, News News, has a remarkable diffusion, with more than 10 million page views, Google counter data.

THE MOUNT OF THE DEVI: The end of life and its after. (English Book 8) Kindle Edition by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition


On the cover abstract in acrylic on canvas by Arduino Rossi

Tales of horror, always full of variations on the theme of presumed "madness": on the fear of going mad and returning to a primordial, magical reality, dominated by darkness, superstitions, where there is no border between the land of the living and the "homeland "of the dead.
The dimension that does not know the difference between real and imaginary, between dream and daytime becomes real here: nightmares and fears take bodily forms.
 Translated by google from italian

Collection of 22 short stories:
1) The rose of January
2) The devil's mount
3) The crystal vial 
4) The blacksmith
5) The girl of the lily 
6) The specter of the soldier 
7) The stuffed monkey
8) The cypresses
9) The neighbor's cat
10) The ivory chessboard
11) The spider
12) The angel 
13) On the fifteenth of August
14) Werewolf 
15) The black dog
16) Grandma's house
17) The Lunar Girl
18) The chest
19) The city à over the hill
20) Wolf's Revenge
21) The stone gnome 
22) The island

THE STATES: STATE EMPLOYEES, The world of public employees, bureaucrats and the pathetic reality of pass cards. (English Book 1) Kindle Edition by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition


There is a widespread opinion that considers the workers of the Public Administration gray people and without a spirit of initiative.
There is nothing more wrong: there is no state that does not consider itself wasted for its use and does not dream of another activity.
In the quieter social category for the security of the place are the most avid supporters of self-employment: there are lawyers never togae, merchants without a shop and writers without a publisher.
They are people who want most of all to throw themselves into the fray of existence and aspire to free profession.
In the dusty archives, among stacks of papers and in "glorious" old buildings, there are beings full of hopes, fears and regrets, ready to risk their careers for the illusion always cultivated in their hearts, they would also throw their best precious, the fixed and safe place.
I wrote twenty-one events certainly similar to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of real facts.
I do not pretend to have represented the complex and varied world of the Public Employment: the characters described are typical, each office has at least one, but they have their own uniqueness.
They are children of my imagination and nobody can claim any resemblance: they live and walk because my mind has generated them. 

THE CAPTAIN OF THE DEVIL: The dead don't always rest. (English Book 7) Kindle Edition by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition


In an era, which should be after the fall of Napoleon, a Captain, veteran of the wars for the emperor, ends up in events that will put him in trouble.
He will be involved in the family affairs of nobles of ancient origin, the Sicas: they were fierce and shrewd people even after death.
The ghosts, who are perhaps only in the Captain's mind, push him to reconstitute the extinct lineage, owner of the castle, renovated and inhabited by the imperial officer on leave.
The past, with its torments and crimes, will re-emerge to impose its infernal will on the nature of a sensible man, who was looking only for tranquility, after an existence spent on war and military glory.
Captain Massimiliano Fab believes in value, courage, action and merit: he hates lies, intrigues, but ends up the victim and will be swallowed up by Sicas, which he should hate because noble.
There is also the love story with Carla, who will prove different in the end, changing her attitude: perhaps she will commit a murder for "honor", which for Sicas means proud belonging to their blood and warrior lineage.
The novel is proposed as a memorial to the Captain, presented by a historian, an expert in heraldry, and is finally concluded by a police officer.

On the cover drawing on acrylic paper by Arduino Rossi

THE DARK OF THE DAWN: Fear beyond the darkness. (English Book 6) Kindle Edition


Presentation of the author
Tales from the black, dark, dark series, of fear, but not too much, with a sad, almost malevolent soul.
It is that dark part of our minds, our fears that take shape inside and outside of us.
It is death and its beyond, what no scientism can ever deny, because it goes beyond the way of understanding, of knowing the tangible objective reality.
 Translated by google from italian

HORROR: The sleepless nights and the darkness that surrounds them. (English Book 5) Kindle Edition


They are stories that lead us into the world of nightmares and ancestral fears, symbolic of our human nature.
I speak of dreams, nightmares, or true stories, but all as if they were dreamed of by the dead, by the dying or by a predestined body to discover the other life soon.
Dead and alive meet in no man's land, or in the dreamlike dimension, where remorse and anguish take shape.
Thanks and happy reading. 

Arduino Rossi
On the cover painted by Arduino Rossi
Translated by google from italian