3 dic 2020

THE STATES: STATE EMPLOYEES, The world of public employees, bureaucrats and the pathetic reality of pass cards. (English Book 1) Kindle Edition by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition


There is a widespread opinion that considers the workers of the Public Administration gray people and without a spirit of initiative.
There is nothing more wrong: there is no state that does not consider itself wasted for its use and does not dream of another activity.
In the quieter social category for the security of the place are the most avid supporters of self-employment: there are lawyers never togae, merchants without a shop and writers without a publisher.
They are people who want most of all to throw themselves into the fray of existence and aspire to free profession.
In the dusty archives, among stacks of papers and in "glorious" old buildings, there are beings full of hopes, fears and regrets, ready to risk their careers for the illusion always cultivated in their hearts, they would also throw their best precious, the fixed and safe place.
I wrote twenty-one events certainly similar to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of real facts.
I do not pretend to have represented the complex and varied world of the Public Employment: the characters described are typical, each office has at least one, but they have their own uniqueness.
They are children of my imagination and nobody can claim any resemblance: they live and walk because my mind has generated them.