by Format: Kindle Edition
POLITICA, CULTURA, CRONACA, ARTE, RELIGIONE, SCIENZA, PENSIERO LIBERO. Quasi Giornale online. scritto a più mani da una redazione coraggiosa, da dei volontari. Responsabile Arduino Rossi-
by Arduino Rossi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Geschichten von Arduino Rossi
Cover von Arduino Rossi gemalt
Präsentation des Autors
Sie sind einfallsreiche Geschichten eines Albtraums, einer traumhaften, magischen und gespenstischen Welt.
Ich spreche von Träumen, Albträumen oder wahren Geschichten, aber alle, als ob sie von den Toten geträumt würden, von den Sterbenden oder prädestiniert, das andere Leben bald zu entdecken.
Es sind Geschichten, die uns in die Welt der Albträume und Ängste der Vorfahren entführen, symbolisch für unsere menschliche Natur.
Ich spreche von Träumen und Albträumen oder wahren Geschichten, aber alle, wie sie von den Toten, Sterbenden oder denen geträumt wurden, die dazu prädestiniert sind, das andere Leben bald zu entdecken.
Tote und Lebende treffen sich im Niemandsland oder in der Traumdimension, wo Reue oder Angst Gestalt annehmen.
Danke und viel Spaß beim Lesen.
Der Führer
Das Holz der Toten
Der Postbote
Der Buchstabe
L ' letzte Fahrt
Die Familienkapelle
Das Kloster
Der alte Mann mit den Hunden
Die Trompete
L ' Hotel
Der neue Job
Der Chronist
Das Pferd
Der Mond über der Grenze
Der Hund des Nachbarn
Der Fuchs
Die Messe des Priesters
Stories written by Arduino Rossi
On the cover abstract in acrylic on canvas by Arduino Rossi
Presentation by the author
There are 33 stories that are inspired by the nightmares and fears of human beings, of all time, with the fantastic dimensions, with the fears of the after and with the uncertainties of us, human beings, who live in a solid, real, objective world, but even irrational, where everything can be true and even illusory.
So death and life are confused and impose themselves in reality, with all its contradictions, with its emotions and its impulses.
The anxieties of existence join the fears of the after and the future, of the afterlife and question our certainties.
Ghosts exist, at least in our fearful minds.
33 Stories
The house in the mountains
The mirrors
The lottery
The girl
The last one
The Sentinel
The new job
The scribe
The station
The fever
The hut
The letter
The bread of the dead
The house on the island
The film studio
The sixth guest
The chimney
The bad dream
The caves
The last trip
The museum
The new road
The barrel
The wind of memories
The clearing of ghosts
The walk
The girl next door
The faithful horse
Fairy tales and fantastic adventures
Tales by Rossi Arduino
There are eight positive fairy tales such as beautiful, unreal, imaginative dreams, narrated to find not only the child within the adult, but also to restore a joyful vision to life.
The stories, perhaps a little naive, have no educational purposes, I don't pretend to teach anyone something.
Instead I try to understand and ask questions hidden in the stories to everyone: the eyes see, read and the mouths that speak want to see and seek explanations, at least I hope for you.
I hope that the pleasure I felt in writing these stories can be experienced by you, that you will read them and help you open your mind.
There is a widespread opinion that considers the workers of the Public Administration gray people and without a spirit of initiative.
There is nothing more wrong: there is no state that does not consider itself wasted for its use and does not dream of another activity.
In the quieter social category for the security of the place are the most avid supporters of self-employment: there are lawyers never togae, merchants without a shop and writers without a publisher.
They are people who want most of all to throw themselves into the fray of existence and aspire to free profession.
In the dusty archives, among stacks of papers and in "glorious" old buildings, there are beings full of hopes, fears and regrets, ready to risk their careers for the illusion always cultivated in their hearts, they would also throw their best precious, the fixed and safe place.
I wrote twenty-one events certainly similar to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of real facts.
I do not pretend to have represented the complex and varied world of the Public Employment: the characters described are typical, each office has at least one, but they have their own uniqueness.
They are children of my imagination and nobody can claim any resemblance: they live and walk because my mind has generated them.
Presentation of the author
It is a fairy tale for children and not.
It is a story told in an imaginary Ireland, among goblins and gnomes, magic and brave young people, but not too much.
It is a small and light story to be read, disseminated to those who love fairy tales, with the simple and naive flavor of a somewhat forgotten popular world.
It's just to read and get carried away.
They are stories that lead us into the world of nightmares and ancestral fears, symbolic of our human nature.Presentation of the author